Exciting news!
If you’re not following SR on Twitter (why not!) I’ll share it here…
@sylvainreynard If you’ve written to me to ask for a third book about the Professor, I’m listening. (And I might have begun to write … )
I hear you squee’ing!
A few other points that have been emailed to me and I wanted to address them all at once!
Bookmarks, bookplates, autographed books, oh, my!
REVIEWS: If you leave a review on either Amazon, BN, Powell’s, Chapters, etc.
PLEASE email me the link to the review and your mailing address and I’ll send you a bookmark for whichever book you’ve reviewed!
New Social Media locations for SR/Novels, etc.
We’re working on a lot of fun giveaways with The Professor, if interested, please follow the fan pages/sites below and/SR’s twitter account
The first one…
Take The Professor on Vacation 🙂

Twitter: @Ennbocci
A third book!? Yes please…sorry, This is the only thing my brain remembers after reading that.
*claps and bounces up and down excitedly* I am with MrsEdCullen, it took me several minutes of calming myself, just to read and get anything out of the post after that.
You are listening to your muses, and we love you.
Will send off for the kindlegraph and bookplate for Rapture since I have both for Inferno. Yes, I own the ebook as well as in print. If I ever feel like I could let my books out of my hands long enough to trust they won’t be abused nor lost, I might get brave and ask for the real autograph.
Thank you SR, for always listening, always caring, always making our hearts flutter.
I’m still screaming!! Your news gives me something to look forward to. Thank you for everything but most especially for giving ME/us Prof. Emerson!! 🙂
I agree I am super excited and the rest of the professor’s club (aka my friends). Thank you for continuing on the Professor and Julia’s story.
Exciting! Can’t wait to read it.
I am in love with Inferno series! The character’s have been a true joy to get to know and your writing is absolutley captivating! The time that has been taken to explore all aspects of character development is astounding. These characters have morphed into beings that seem to jump from the pages and into real life. Gabriel’s tortured soul alongside Julianne’s beautiful (innocent) soul has choreographed the perfect imaginary of good and evil (ying and yang/Heaven and Hell)and its ability to pull light from the darkness. Sylvain Reynard you have a new fan, and will be anxiously awaiting more from this amazing series!
Thank you for writing such a beautiful and romantic story. And I am looking forward to the sequels….. **moo-ah** – left cheek
**moo-ah** – right cheek
Such beautiful, sexy, romantic stories. I just finished reading Gabriel’s rapture. Now I’m inspired to read The Comedy, learn more about Dante, Florence, and I listened to Bach as I cooked my husband his birthday dinner tonight. Thank you for inspiring me! More please!
Soooo happy to hear about a third book!!
Great news…We need more of the professor!
Yippee….! I am so thrilled that there will be a third book! I just finished Gabriels Rapture yesterday, and I want more…..
So excited to see that a third book will be coming out. Cannot wait!
So exciting! Thank you! I’m almost finished with GR and I don’t want it to end. Their love story is so captivating and sad and wonderful and powerful. I love how you write for the Professor! How he phrases things is great. I was frustrated to see them apart for so much of book two but understand why it was to be. I love them together! I cannot wait to see what happens with marriage and babies etc. I’m looking forward to seeing them grow as a untied front against all the nasty people that were and could possibly be out to get them. Also thank you SR for writing sexy love scenes that aren’t dirty or crass. I look forward to reading more of this series and truly hope it can go on for a number of books! Can’t wait!!