Exciting news!
If you’re not following SR on Twitter (why not!) I’ll share it here…
@sylvainreynard If you’ve written to me to ask for a third book about the Professor, I’m listening. (And I might have begun to write … )
I hear you squee’ing!
A few other points that have been emailed to me and I wanted to address them all at once!
Bookmarks, bookplates, autographed books, oh, my!
REVIEWS: If you leave a review on either Amazon, BN, Powell’s, Chapters, etc.
PLEASE email me the link to the review and your mailing address and I’ll send you a bookmark for whichever book you’ve reviewed!
New Social Media locations for SR/Novels, etc.
We’re working on a lot of fun giveaways with The Professor, if interested, please follow the fan pages/sites below and/SR’s twitter account
The first one…
Take The Professor on Vacation 🙂

Twitter: @Ennbocci