I’m please to announce the release of “Gabriel’s Promise,” the fourth book in The Gabriel Series. “Gabriel’s Promise” is available as an ebook, a paperback, and an Audiobook. It’s available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Chapters, The Book Depository (which ships worldwide), iBooks, KOBO, and FNAC.
I know many of you have been following updates of the filming of “Gabriel’s Inferno” by Passionflix. I’l be posting more updates soon. Stay tuned for the beginning of filming of “Gabriel’s Rapture.”
Happy New Year. Thank you for reading and thank you for watching,
This book left me with so many unanswered questions at the end.
Will there be books 2, 3?
I love the books when it is coming to movie
Hi Theresa,
“Gabriel’s Inferno” has already become a film and it’s available on Passionflix.com through their streaming video service,
I am anticipating to read all the Gabriel’s Inferno 4 books.
How can i get the the 4 series? Can i read the ebooks. Please…. i am awaiting for a reply. Thank you
Hello Sandra,
Thanks very much.
The ebooks are widely available thru Amazon, iTunes, Barnes and Noble for Nook, and for Kobo.
If you have difficulty sourcing it in your area, let me know and I”m happy to help. All the best and thanks for reading, SR.
I just read Gabriel’s promise …. Is there another book after this that tells the answers of so many questions left
It was wonderful but I need to know what happened
Dear Corrie,
Thanks very much for your note.
“The Florentine Series” addresses most of those, so if you read “The Raven” next it will link up with “Gabriel’s Promise.”
All the best and thank you for reading and taking the time to write to me, SR
I have greatly enjoyed this series about Gabriel and Julianne. I watched Gabriel’s Inferno and it had me very much looking forward to watching Gabriel’s Rapture. I am really hoping I can do that soon. Meanwhile, I went back and read the three available books, now looking out for Gabriel’s Promise.
Thank you so much Abigael. I appreciate the support.
Passionflix began filming “Gabriel’s Rapture” earlier this year, but production was halted because of the pandemic. I don’t know when they will be able to safely resume, but hopefully soon.
All the best and thank you for reading and watching, SR
Hi, love your books on Gabriel’s Inferno. I would like to know as I continue reading, what’s the proper order? The Florentine series and then read The Prince or the other way around? Thanks so much. Continued success
Hello Brenda,
Thanks very much.
The Gabriel Series has four books, in order:
Gabriel’s Inferno
Gabriel’s Rapture
Gabriel’s Redemption
Gabriel’s Promise
The Florentine Series is a different series, but Gabriel and Julia appear as minor characters in each book:
The Prince (novella)
The Raven
The Shadow
The Roman
And then I wrote a standalone book that is separate from both of the other series, “The Man in the Black Suit.”
All the best and thank you for reading, SR.
Just finished gabriel’s promise and I’m in love with these series. And I loved passionflix’s movie very much. Looking forward to sree more. Hoping that there would be a sequel and would that come soon?
Thank you so much, Sakshi.
It’s possible I will write a follow up book, but right now I’m writing something else.
Thanks for reading and for your support, SR
I’ve been with you since the beginning… I hope that Julianne and Gabriel still have a story to tell after Gabriel’s Promise. Thank you for sharing your art.
Hi Bonnie,
Thank you so much.
Just finished reading all 4 books in the series and this has been the most romantic story I have read so far. I am in love with Gabriel and Julianne. I also watched 1st part of the movie and I have to say passionflix has done an excellent job. Even the actors match the characters in the book. Can’t wait to watch more.
I also do hope the story is not over. I feel like there should be another book to finish this love story.
Thank you!!!
Thank you Nancy.
There may be a fifth book …
All best, SR
I only discovered the Gabriel’s Inferno series recently after another author left a comment of Facebook about watching Part 2. I was intrigued and needed to investigate!! I very quickly signed up for Passionflix and watched the 1st part. WOW!!!! Could not wait til 31st July for Part 2 to be shown. Have watched it every day since!!!! Indicentally, I now have the 1st 3 books in the series which I can wait to read. I am about to purchase Book 4.
I am totally smitten and can’t wait for Part 3, along with Rapture and Redemption once they have been filmed. Will they be adapting Book 4 too and will there be further books PLEASE!!!
Hi Colleen,
Thank you so much. Word of mouth is so important to authors and to Passionflix.
There may be a fifth book in the series ….
Part 3 will release this fall. And I’m hopeful that we will have news about when Rapture can resuming filming, as well.
Thanks for your support, SR
Bonjour Sylvain.
Je viens de terminer le tome 3 de Gabriel, j’ai été transporté dans cette romance . Le tempérament de Gabriel, la douceur de Julianne, je suis passée par beaucoup d’émotions différente. Merci à toi de m’avoir également fait connaître le monde de la littérature de Dante, Botticelli et Saint François d’Acise.
Hâte de découvrir le tome 4
Bonjour, Sylvie.
Merci beaucoup. Je suis content que vous ayez apprécié le roman.
Bonne Journée,
I too am hoping for a sequel. Loved watching Spring Roll become little Clare. Thanks for this engrossing story!
Thank you Elizabeth.
All the best, SR.
Absolutely loved this series! My husband was actually my professor when we met and I was his student. While the buildup to our romantic relationship was not as dramatic or salacious, this series reminds me a lot of us when we were younger I hope to see a fifth book someday and continue following all of the Emersons’ adventures. Thank you for sharing your stories with the world!
Dear Ingrid,
Thank you so much. I appreciate your kind words and your support.
All the best,
Hi SR!
I’ve been reading your series, Gabriel’s Inferno for quite a while now and there’s only one thing that came to mind and that is the sensuality of each character. Each character have their own identity and they are absolutely stunning in their own way.
I’m super Stoke to read the next series already.
Dear Lavender,
Thank you. I really appreciate it.
Glad you’re enjoying the novels and thanks for reading, SR.
I’ve just finished reading the entire series and I have truly loved every minute. I adore Gabriel and his love for Julianne, even when I wanted to seriously hit him upside the head in ‘Inferno’… by redemption and promise… he is the most beautiful person. His love and adoration of Julianne is intense and magical and even though some parts had me fearful with trepidation and worried that his demons would come to claim him, I willed them both to trust in their love for one another
Simply wonderful.. thank you.
PS… Please write a further book… there are so many unanswered questions and places for this story to develop… and I can’t get enough of this incredible couple
Thank you so much, Gemma.
I appreciate the support.
I’ve been putting ideas together for a fifth book …
Also, Gabriel and Julianne appear in each of my Florentine Series, which take place after “Gabriel’s Promise.” So you’ll see a glimpse of their future in those novels,
Hello I have read all four books in three months will there be a book five
HI Victoria,
Thanks very much. I may write a fifth book at some point, but I”m writing something else at the moment.
however, both Gabriel and Julia appear in each book of my Florentine Series, (beginning with the Raven), and it shows a glimpse of their future.
I really enjoyed all 4 books and the movies. But I am really curious about backstory/childhood of Gabriel and Julia. Especially Gabriel’s relationship with his adoptive family growing up.
Thank you so much.
I’m glad you enjoyed the novels,
Hi I just finished three books but I cant find the last one , I’m from Iran , how can i read the Gabriel’s promise book ?
HI Narges,
The European Amazon stores sell “Gabriel’s Promise,” but I can’t tell if they ship to Iran.
It may be worth checking with either the French or German store: https://www.amazon.de/Gabriels-Promise-Inferno-Book-English-ebook/dp/B07PKFSB2R/ref=sr_1_2?__mk_de_DE=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&dchild=1&keywords=sylvain+reynard&qid=1609800197&sr=8-2
All the best and thanks for reading, SR.
Love the books. Do you plan on there being another book in the series after “Gabriel’s Promise”. I hope so…if so can’t wait!
Thank you so much, Heather.
I’ve been putting ideas together …
All the best and thanks for reading, SR.
Thank you for one of the most pleasurable reads I have ever engaged in! I read the series in the span of a week and couldn’t put them down. I especially love the references to classical literature and culture. As a reader of classics myself I felt so at home in these books. Also, these books are the reason why I began learning Italian!
After finishing Gabriel’s Promise there were some questions and pieces that I would love to see tied up. These would include finding out the identity of the night intruder, how the memento mori came to be left at the Emerson residence, and answers to some of the questions and mysteries that Gabriel has with the Divine Comedy. Other things I would love to read more about would be what happens with Julia’s schooling in Edinburgh and Gabriel’s sage lectures, Rachel and Scott’s family building, Simon’s picking up the pieces of his wrecked relationship with his father and April, and more on Professor Pacciano, Christa Peterson, Paul Norris, Gabriel’s biological family, Tom Diane and Tommy, Richard and Rebecca, and finally Clare. I do hope that another book is in the works so we can enter the Gabriel’s Inferno world once again (and hopefully become slightly more learned in Dante).
I’m so thankful that you wrote these books.
Thank you so much.
I’m glad you enjoyed the books and thank you for your very kinds words. I’ve been putting ideas together for a fifth book…. All the best and thank you for reading, SR.
Dear Sylvain,
Thank you so so much for writing the Gabriel series. I have not been able to put the books down since I started reading them & have never devoured books so astonishingly quickly!
Absolutely & completely in love with Gabriel & Julianne’s story which has inspired, comforted & intrigued me.
I also watched the movies on Passionflix which I loved. The choice of actors are perfect!
I see from earlier comments that you are putting thoughts together for Book No. 5! I feel sad to be finished this series & am left with a longing & hunger for more & am sooo looking forward to Book 5 & beyond!! Keep writing about this magnificent couple, you will never be short of readers! Guaranteed!
Many thanks.
Dear Antoinette,
Thank you so much. I’m very glad you enjoyed the books and thank you for taking the time to write to me.
I’m grateful for the support.
“Gabriel’s Rapture,” has just finished filming in Italy and the production will be moving to the USA shortly.
All the best and thanks for reading, SR.
I recently found the Gabriel’s series and have binge watched All 3 Inferno movies and 2 of the Rapture but have not been able to find any more. I watched these on Passion Flix.
Great writing!!!
Thank you so much Darla.
The third and final instalment of “Gabriel’s Rapture” debuts on Passionflix August 12th.
“Gabriel’s Redemption” will begin filming this fall.
Thanks for watching, SR
Dear Sylvain
During the pandemic I’ve found reading to be a great escape.
I came across your Gabriel books last week and have now finished all 4. Hoping this isn’t the end as I would love to lose myself in Gabriel and Julianne’s story for a little longer.
Thank you for bringing joy to the world that is a little grim at the moment.
Thanks very much, Nicola. I appreciate the support.
I’ve been putting together ideas for a fifth book, but I’m writing something else at the moment.
However, Gabriel and Julianne appear in my Florentine series, as well, as minor characters.
All best and thanks for reading, SR.
Dear Syvian,
I hope all’s well! When are we going to see book #5? I believe there’s more than enough material…with the unsolved break-in, etc. I’ve enjoyed all four books; loved the characters. I’m waiting with bated breath for book 5. Thank you!
Andrea Chang
Thanks very much, Andrea.
I”m glad you enjoyed the books.
I’m not sure when I’ll get to a fifth book, since I’m writing something else at the moment.
But someday …
All the best and thanks for reading, SR
I love all the Gabriel inferno books! I really enjoyed Gabriel and Julianne and their lives . I also enjoy the movies on Passionflix . Is there going to be more after Gabriel‘s promise?
Thanks very much, Breanna.
I’ve been thinking about writing a fifth book, but I’m writing something else at the moment.
All the best and thanks for reading, SR
I have to say the the most impressive part about the movies, is that you follow your books. I love Robyn Carr, (Virgin River) series, but I hate that they changed so much from her beautiful books. Yours brought me so much joy.
Irene 😃
Thank you so much, Irene.
I have watched all the movies (Gabriel’s inferno, 1,2,3 and Gabriel’s rapture 1, 2, 3) countless times and read all the books.
Enjoy them greatly.
My question is…who was the thief in Gabriel’s promise?
I feel like the book ended with no answers to that.
Hi Grace,
The answer is in the Florentine series.
All the best and thanks for reading, SR
Are you able to hint that we will get a Gabriel’s Promise movie?! I absolutely love the entire series!
Thanks so much, Shayla.
Passionflix understands that readers would like to see “Gabriel’s Promise” on film and I would like to see that happen, as well. However, there is a actor’s strike right now and a few logistical issues that would have to be overcome. I’m hopeful for the future but nothing is confirmed.
Best, SR
As i have said before, these books are amazing and the Emerson’s are one of my favorite love stories. This somehow has made me fall in love with Italian studies. Will there be more books on Julia and Gabriel and if they continue to grow their family?
Thank you so much, Shayla.
I’ve started a file but I’m finishing another book at the moment.
Thank you for your support, SR
I’m obsessed with this whole series! The Books are amazing! And the movies are so exciting too! Just to see Gabriel, Julia and all the characters faces and personality brought life is fantastic! It leaves me wanting more! I know that you are working on other projects but I would love to know what happens next! Please don’t leave us hanging! #Bigfan
Thanks very much, Rebecca.
I’m glad you enjoyed the books and films.
All the best, SR
I just finished reading Gabriel’s Promise and I have not read a book in over 10 years. However, I couldn’t hold off for their to be possibly a movie. It was amazing and having the characters to picture in my head was surreal. I’ve read previous comments that you are possibly going to write a 5th book. My questions are have you finished up the book you have been working on? Do u still see yourself writing a 5th book? I normally just watch a series or movie and move onto the next but this one has me so hooked that I not only read your last book but I now started from the beginning and now I’m reading your 1st book. Thank you again for writing such amazing books and bringing them to the big screen!
Thank you so much, Christina. And thank you for your kind words.
It’s possible I will write a fifth book in the Gabriel Series. I haven’t given up hope of a fourth film.
But I’m trying to finish a new book at the moment.
I’m grateful for your support.
All the best, SR
I love the Gabriel’s Inferno series. I am in love with Gabriel Emerson. I also loved the movies. I was wondering if Gabriel’s Promise is going to be made into a movie on Passionflix?
Thanks very much, Lavanya.
I’m glad you enjoyed the books and movies.
Tosca would like to adapt “Gabriel’s Promise” to film, but she’s working on other projects.
I’m hopeful for the future,