Dear Everyone,
The Professor was invited by the Fictional Boyfriends Facebook page to take over their account for an hour on November 3rd. During that time, he shared a story from his days at Magdalen College, Oxford University.
Several readers contacted me asking if I would post the story, because they didn’t have Facebook accounts. So I’m posting the story here, with thanks to Fictional Boyfriends for hosting a very enjoyable discussion. You can find their page (and the Professor’s remarks) here.
Here is the Professor’s account, in his own words:
I luuuuuuuvvvvved it and can’t wait for the release!
hello..nice story as always…I’ve also read the Q&A at the fb page and in a question he said that he lived next to you at Toronto so I was wondering is the Professor inspired by a real person or is actually a real person????and what about the other characters????I though he was an exclusively fictional character and everyone else as well…I’m looking forward to December and the release of the second book at greek and please tell me that the third book will also released here….best wishes….!
I just read the story. My professor as usual is a gentleman. The girl in distressed, ok, she needed help, but Paulina!!! Ok, patience like Julia, she was considerate and patient at the end…love this mini-stories, Thanks!
Dear SR, as usual, I loved the scenario, but it has my mind in a whirl. I’m wondering if Gabriel has ever been in the situation of a woman rescuing HIM?!?! (except for Grace, of course.) I would love to see how Gabriel would adjust his perceptions of women (the Eve vs.Mary Courtly Love extremes) if he found himself in a vulnerable situation, and a strong woman came to his rescue. That would make some fascinating reading!! (and some in-depth soul searching on G’s part?) Or…..does he avoid women he doesn’t need to rescue? I’m going off on psychobabble here, sorry. I loved how you introduced us to how he met Paulina — I’m thinking she was needy for him from their very first meeting and it certainly explains a lot about her later behavior in GI and GR, as well as his. VERY interesting stuff!!!!
hola soy de Perú!!
quiero decir primero que la historia del profesor Emerson me atrapo desde que leí la primera pagina, soy una fan de la trilogía.
llendo al relato me sorprendió como se conocen gabriel y paulina, de verdad esa mujer me causa alergia, quien iba a pensar que a partir de esa noche la vida de ambos iba a estar unida por cosas tan trágicas.
espero leer mas pronto, gracias.
A very interesting piece. I’ve always wondered how Gabriel and Paulina met. Thanks for sharing, SR. Looking forward to Gabriel’s Redemption.
Love hearing the “back” stories. Thank you so much for that little peek into the Professor’s past.:)
Here are the news from France.
Congratulations for Le divin enfer de Gabriel.
I did read it in English but did’t read the translation yet.
Thank you for this intereting meeting wih Paulina.
All the best. Caroline
This put a much needed smile on my face in light of the terrible #TyphoonHiayan in the Philippines. thank you for this lovely story and for the retweet (@muses220) and for the kind words and support! i’m excited about Gabriel’s Redemption!
Love it! “Like a gentleman, I proceeded to insult him, his parentage, and his mother, while waiting for him to catch his breath.” I guess my husband is a true gentleman! Hehehe 🙂
WOW, SR you have blown me away again with yet another surprise. It was brilliant how you gave us a backstory to when Gabriel first met Paulina. You never cease to amaze me with your talents. You’re like an expert angler casting upstream with a tempting lure to entice our appetite that is never sated for what you have to offer. Love your snarky humor. 😉
And that’s how my hubby met Paulina… mmmhhh…
Dear SR, thanks for this new mini story! I loved it, i have red le divin enfer de Gabriel tome 1 and tome 2 and i’m completly a fan of The professor and so of you, don’t stop writing ! and i hope there will be a third one in french!
All The best
Went with a group for restaurant week…wasn’t expecting a whole lot since this place is a pub. Needless to say, we were very happy with the dinner and apps. This place deserves the “gastro” before “pub”! Taxi Oxford to London
I love this! Great writing.
Thank you SR for thinking of the fans waiting with anticipation for the release Redemption by giving us outtakes and surprises. I read what you wrote regarding Promise and giving other authors opportunities and understand, however it breaks my heart Passionflix will not be filming.
Thank you so much, Holly.
I am still hopeful about “Gabriel’s Promise,” but it certainly won’t be filmed this year.
All the best, SR
Thank you Betty for taking me here from the podcast😊today. This explains a big part of her obsession with Gabriel among their toxic past. He was her “Superman” in that moment. You’ll never forget who rescues you and for Paulina it became an addiction having him in her life. At least until she finally moved on. Great outtake as always👏🏽👏🏽
Thank you 😊 Betty for taking me here from the podcast today. This explains so much of her obsession with Gabriel among their toxic past. He was her “Superman” in that moment. And you never forget who rescues you. And for Paulina it became an endless addiction wanting him in her life, well at until she finally moved on. Great outtake as always 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 SR