Dear Everyone,
A theme for the first week in Advent was Waiting. The theme for the second week is Mystery. At first glance, these two ideas don’t seem to connect with one another. But when one is faced with mystery, one must be patient. When one is faced with mystery, one must be silent. Again, I am moved by Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s wisdom in affirming the mystery of God, the Incarnation, and Advent.
Advent brings endless questions – why not now? Why not sooner? Why there? Why then? Why? I look forward to the day when the questions are answered and the mysteries are solved, but now I wait and I embrace the mystery, while looking forward.
Faith, hope, and charity; in Advent, we see the commingling of these three theological virtues, but Advent certainly is the season of hope. While we continue our reading this week, and we look toward Christmas, I’d like us to take some time each day in silence to reflect on the joy of what is to come. O come, o come Emmanuel, God with us …
I welcome your comments and I hope that you continue to have a blessed Advent. Thank you for reading along with me,