Dear Everyone,
It’s Teaser Tuesday. Without further ado, I give you the third teaser to the cover of the sequel:
“I want to be your last.”
More teasers and information about the release of the sequel is forthcoming. Thank you for your support.
All the best,
love it, darling! Cant wait for the BIG reveal and the full name. Gabriel’s heaven? Gabriel’s redemption? Gabriel’s what???? Very curious. Looking forward to it and to reading.
Got up early just to see the Tuesday teaser. I can’t wait for the whole book!
“I want to be your last.”
I remember those words well. Was going to use them once myself. Love the idea of – fist, last, always… I think it’s a core truth that everybody wants to be loved that completely. And yes, just the once.
The suspense is killing me!
“I want to be your last.”
Gave me that funky fluttery feeling in my stomach.
Oh yes, what those words do to me. “I want to be your last.” Forever~Always. One.Can’t wait SR!
The ‘Urban Dictionary’ describes SLOW BURN as follows :
– Allowing an event or COMMENT to simmer under your skin until you erupt and flip out.
Consider me ‘this close’ to either erupting and/or flipping out!!
‘I want to be your last’… as long as this isn’t your LAST teaser, by all means!
Trop bon!!
The puzzle pieces cover snaps are tantalizing! Grazie mille.
Thanks, everyone, for your support.
And a special hello to Ms. Amy. Good to see you and thanks for reading, SR
Another lovely teaser, SR! Thanks for sharing.
I love the sentence. So beautiful.
Can’t wait to see what the full title will be!
Congratulations on everything. Looking forward to next Tuesday. I wish I could fast forward the week!
What a wonderful teaser, SR.
“I want to be your last.” Such a beautiful sentiment. I love it.
I can’t wait to see more. Very curious what the title will be.
Awesome teaser! Can’t wait to see this cover!
This is truly the most exciting thing. I can’t wait. Thank you for sharing your wonderful talent with us SR.
Really SR these sentences should be illegal! you’ll create an epidemic of people swooning every Tuesday. I don’t think i can last much longer!
A wonderful antidote to a bad week. Exquisite line. Thank you. Sarah
Wow!! There is going to be another book!!! I am really excited about this!! I had no idea! I am almost finished with the first so I am very happy to know there will be a sequel!
Such a tantalizing quote. I can’t wait for the sequel to come out. I think the name of the sequel will be along the lines of Gabriel’s Purgatory or Gabriel’s Paradise.
When does the sequel be released? I cant wait to follow their story!
You are killing me with these one liners! Can’t wait! A month left give or take???
I want to gift my mom but she never said a date it would be released I know how anxious she is to read the sequel
is there a release date for the sequel….I spent the weekend reading book 1 again and need to read more soon