I am happy to report that Passionflix’s online store is open once again. They are selling “Gabriel’s Inferno” merchandise, including DVDs. You can view the store and order merchandise here.
Thank you for reading and for watching,
NY Times Best-Selling Author
I am happy to report that Passionflix’s online store is open once again. They are selling “Gabriel’s Inferno” merchandise, including DVDs. You can view the store and order merchandise here.
Thank you for reading and for watching,
I am honoured to have had all three of my novels appear on the New York Times and USA Today Bestseller lists. I was a Semifinalist for Best Author in the 2011 and 2012 Goodreads Choice Awards. {More About Sylvain}
You stated on October 8th that the online store for Passionflix was open. But I guess they sold out over quickly because I have been looking daily and every time it says “sold out”. Do you have any ideal when they will have more in stock? I am eager to purchase the DVD’S.
Hello Claudia,
Thanks for your message.
That’s exactly what happened – the store reopened and they sold out very quickly.
The DVDs have been re-ordered and should be in stock again shortly. Passionflix didn’t have an exact date for me when I asked but I will ask again.
All best, SR
When will Gabriels Redemption dvd set be available I have the previous series if you could email me as soon as they become available
Thank you
I have bought the dvd on all the series so far and watched them a couple of hundred times I think it has been brought to the screen beautifully and Giulio and Melanie are absolutly fantastic
Dear Lucy,
Thanks very much. I’m glad you enjoyed the films.
“Gabriel’s Redemption” parts 2 and 3 will be released before the end of 2023. I expect the DVDs will go on sale in the Passionflix store in early 2024. I will post an announcement here on my website when they become available, or when I learn of the release date.
Thanks again for your support, SR
I am desperate to buy Gabriels Redemption DVD set ,I check Passionflix store daily but as yet no Redemption dvd
I have read the books at least 4 times now and watched the films over and over on Passionflix
I think you are a Fab. author and the films bring the books to life. I hope they film the last book the promise, fingers crossed.
Dear Lucy,
Thanks very much. I was told the Redemption DVDs are in production, but they haven’t given me a release date yet.
I’m sorry about that. I expect they will be available soon. As soon as I have a date, I’ll post it.
I’m also hopeful about “Gabriel’s Promise.”
All the best and thanks for reading, SR