Dear Everyone,
A blessed Ash Wednesday to everyone who is celebrating. I hope you’ll consider joining me in this year’s Lenten Readalong. I’ve chosen “Three Simple Rules: A Wesleyan Way of Living” as this year’s reading. The book is available as both an ebook and a hardcover volume.
I would like us to begin our reading with the Preface and the Introduction. Feel free to offer your comments and reflections on both below. Then starting next Wednesday, we will read “Do No Harm.” My plan is to post weekly on Wednesdays, and to schedule an opportunity for us to chat with the All Things SR Podcast prior to Easter. Stay tuned for those details.
In these times of uncertainties, tariffs, wars, and distress, Lent offers us an opportunity to pray and to listen. I hope that through this year’s reading, we will be inspired and strengthened and that the celebration of Easter will be all the more meaningful.
I want to emphasize that the invitation to read along with me is open to all. You don’t have to be Wesleyan, or Christian, or even a theist in order to join me. You are all invited and I welcome your participation.
Peace be with you all. I hope that your Lent is blessed.
Thank you for reading,
Good friend, reading and researching about the Wesleyans. It is another way of living religion, I respect a lot what each person thinks and it seems right to me, that the common denominator regardless of the religion you profess is that there are rules. Like the commandments in our case although these demand obedience from us. Also, it is related to the common wealth in what sense? Well, it talks about how to live in harmony. These are very strong rules, if you want a life next to a God, because He’s love.
One of my core beliefs is Jesus’ teaching “Love others as I have loved you.No matter what religion or no religion we can make the world a better place by showing love and kindness to each other.💙