La Redencion de Gabriel
Good morning, Everyone.
It gives me great pleasure to show you the cover of the Spanish translation of Gabriel’s Redemption.
La Redencion de Gabriel will be released on February 6th, 2014 by Planeta.
This release is exciting because Spanish speaking readers have been so supportive and I am glad to be able share this novel with you in your own language.
All the best, and thank you for reading,
I think I´m gonna read it in English. I can´t wait until February!!! That´s a torture, Sylvain. I´m sure that I´ll enjoy to read this last part of the trilogy. Best wishes and of course good luck with all your upcoming books, I´m sure they will be just a huge success. Warmest hugs and happy holidays! KR.
J’espère qu’en france Michel Laffont le sortira courant 2014
Feliz!! Se me hará eterna la espera, pero al fin tenemos fecha. Gracias SR, gracias por entregarnos tan bella historia. Los mejores deseos para usted!
Gracias SR, estaremos contando los días!!!
Oh God, thank you Sylvain, I will be waiting pretty anxiously for it =)
Thank you so much!!!!
Muchas Gracias!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lloro de felicidad *o*
Congratulations Sylvain!!! I love people can read it in various languages. It is awesome. I am Mexican but I prefer reading it in English, though. Oh, by the way, I do take my hat off for you, w.o.w, It was a breathtaking chapter the one where Gabriel and Paul speak in Oxford: what a dialogue, what kind of words, love Paul but Gabriel is The Professor!!! It’s incredible, thank you for sharing with us this beautiful third book, I haven’t finished yet but, man, believe me, your an amazing writer. Thank you for Julia and Gabriel, reading is one of the best things ever created with characters like yours.
Gabriel Emerson te esperaré con anhelo en nuestro huerto de manzanos, el lugar donde de la mayoría de mis primeras veces, descubrí a Dante y me renombras te bajo el nombre de Beatriz.
Por fin!!! lo podré leer!!! si no fuera porque no se inglés lo leería en inges
Qué pena, pensé que lo íbamos a tener en diciembre.
ahhhhhhhh!!! Can’t wait!!!! soo excited!!!!!!!!!!! woohooo!!!!! Anyway, I’ll have to wait until it arrives to Uruguay. However, only wih the knowledge that it will be published and it has already a date, makes me sooo happy!!!!! <3
que emoción; gracias por tan magnífica noticia SR 🙂
Creo que no podre esperar hasta febrero…
Saludos amigo y excelente trabajo
Por Fin !!