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All rights reserved, 2013 Sylvain Reynard, Berkley Penguin
Disclaimer: This translation has been made non-profit with the only purpose to let Italian readers read the chapter. All rights belong to Sylvain Reynard, his publisher Penguin Berkley and Casa Editrice Nord.
Disclaimer: This translation has been made non-profit and with the only purpose of the non-English speaking readers may know the presentation, worldwide, for this first chapter of Gabriel‘s Redemption by Sylvain Reynard. All rights belong toSylvain Reynard, his publisher Penguin Berkley and Editorial Planeta-Esencia.
Disclaimer: This translation has been made non-profit with the only purpose to let Russian readers read the chapter. All rights belong to Sylvain Reynard, and his publisher Penguin Berkley.
Disclaimer: This translation has been made non-profit with the sole purpose of letting Portuguese readers read the chapter in their native language. All rights belong to Sylvain Reynard, and his publisher Penguin Berkley.
A lovely, lovely beginning! But the reference to Paradise Lost terrifies me…
Me too…
i’m sacred about that…
But we need to trust that Slyvian Reynard will not break this lovely relationship.
Oh Racer, “Paradise Lost” terrified me too, but I want to think SR is speaking their fears. Dante and Beatrice have already had a more fulfilling experience in this incarnation that they even got to meet let alone fall in love and marry, so I would like to see that continue. This is about Redemption after all. 😉
SR, Thank You very much for your immeasurable gift to continue this beloved story. Thank You for listening to your muses and being inspired again to let the Professor and his Julia speak through you again.
*adds to Christmas List: Gabriel’s Redemption, More Body Paint, and a very pretty silver charm necklace.*
~Miss Iris~Elli
Ditto on Paradise Lost. SR and references that foreshadow are (in)famous. Lol.
Remember, we are used to over think when it comes to SR’s references in his writing, but don’t forget the passages that evoke the conclusion on “Paradise Lost”..
“Some natural tears they dropped, but wiped them soon;
The world was all before them, where to choose
Their place of rest, and Providence their guide:
They hand in hand with wand’ring steps and slow,
Through Eden took their solitary way “
The feeling of loss ,is balanced by the hope and challenge of New Life.
Thank you sooo much for this! It made my day! I can’t wait for December 😀
Thank you for sharing!! Fantastic!
Gracias!!!! que pase luego lo que queda de año.. Saludos desde Chile SR!!
Read the chapter! Simply Beautiful.
Thank you, SR, for sharing this beautiful chapter. As always, your words are filled with so much love and passion. I loved it and can’t wait for December 3rd to arrive. I think my doctor is going to find my blood pressure has risen considerably when I leave for my appointment shortly. xo 😉
Wow SR…….can’t wait for s’more, brilliant as always!!!!
i loved it thank you i cant wait till December now iw ont to know what happends 🙂 x
<3 So can’t wait!
Thanks SR for sharing this chapter!! It´s great!!
Gracias Lara Agnelli por traducirlo al español y así todas las hispanohablantes podamos disfrutarlo de una manera adecuada. Una traducción fantástica.
Thank You SR. This is great, can’t wait till December.
I love the chapter one!!! so beatiful, so emocional…
“a silver heart, a good apple and a silver book”
“plant my child here” thank god, please let them to have this possibility.
A happy ending please, i don’t want to cry, i want to dream with the happy ending… please…
The paradise lost terrifies me…
thank ypou so much!!!
Sarah, Portugal
Amazing, as always SR. I absolutely loved this first chapter! Seeing them make love in the orchard was so beautiful, since this place is so important to both of them. I loved the gift that Gabriel gave Julia. Paradise Lost…this reference could mean so many things…I can’t wait to see how it all turns out. As always, I love the symbolism in your story and your wonderful writing.
I’m looking forward to December 3rd with great anticipation.
Thanks for sharing!
SR, this is sublime, but like Racer, I’m disquieted by the intimations that all may not be well in Paradise. I love a bit of angst but now I’m worried …
Sheila xxx
THANK YOU!… hopefully this will last me until DEC 😀
That was awesome I truly cannot wait till December !!!!!
Amazing. I am so excited about reading the whole book.. Even more so after reading this. Thank you SR. These books will be forever with me <3
Wow…December cant cone quick enough thanks SR for tje sneak peek it is gonna be worth the waut…
Superb! An incredible beginning of this book. Passion, love, dedication, joy, hope and a little bit of what life is like when we come back from romance: work, things to do, presentations to give. Simply great!!!! An idea of adopting would be great to give the novel a twist since Gabriel himself was adopted too! Love the orchard and the gift, does the heart include the quote “Then I’m glad I’m your first”? it could have been awesome!
Horrible! lol…just kidding. I loved it and ate it up with a spoon! I’m really excited to get my hands on the third book!
I can’t wait for december, thanks for give us a little bit of this amazing book. Greetings from Chile!
Incrível,Simplesmente amei Este Primeiro Capítulo!SR
Thank you! That was very kind of you to release the first chapter. I’m excited for the 3rd.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. It’s beatiful. I cannot wait for December!
“Sigh” I can not WAIT for this book, thank you SR, so beautiful!
Oh SR, I needed my Professor fix!
I loved this chapter! Although I can’t remember when Gabriel and Julia did went on a trip to Belize! But that’s ok; it just means I will have to re-read, again, the book! Oh, what a sacrifice :p
Thank you so much for sharing this with us, and for writing a third book! Christmas will be arriving sooner this year, on December 3rd! 😀
Catarina, a fan from Portugal 🙂
OMG, Sir! This is wonderful! These books are still at the top of my favorites list even after reading many. many book since reading the first two. I can’t wait till December! I Pre-ordered Gabriel’s Redemption.
So I’m on my phone (slaving away at work), trying to make it bigger. SR, love, HOW do I make it bigger?
I’ll have to wait until I get home.
I loved it so much! I CANNOT WAIT TO READ MORE! You are extremely talented! Thank you for writing this book.
Beautifully written, so anxious for the final book in this series. I am not concerned over the reference to Paradise Lost. The title of this book is Gabriel’s Redemption, I trust SR to give us exactly what we want to see.
Bring it on, SR! G and J are like friends, and I’ve missed them! It’s good to see them again. Now, if I could just have a lil John Morgan….. well, you know! 🙂 Thank you for this delicious treat today. As I said earlier, you write like an angel.
I am so excited for this book! I bit my nails through Gabriels Rapture. If J&G can survive that drama they can survive anything. I hope the baby boy that Gabriel had a vision of in Church happens for the couple. I love these books!! It’s so kind of you SR to share teasers. Thank you! This series needs to be a movie.
WOW!!!! I love this first chapter can’t wait till the books comes out. I’m a big fan of the first two, and i’m so excited that you decided to write a third book.
Oh I loved revisiting Gabriel! Keep up the great work. Cannot wait for the finished book. The book title does scare me as of their relationship, but it may be more of their lives beyond each other. Not their love for each other. 🙂
Wow…so completely awesome! I can’t wait to visit these wonderful characters again! Sylvain is, no doubt, my favorite author.
Very Nice…was relieved to find you didn’t shift into the more graphic style of the current trend in romantic fiction…you have developed a beautiful and recognizable style when it comes to describing intimate moments between the characters. There is no doubt in the reader’s mind about what is transpiring and yet the poetic way you paint the interaction in just the right meter and spacing leaves room for one’s imagination to mix in just a bit of unique imagery suited to each reader’s own taste just like a perfectly created martini! Cheers, Sylvain! Marcia…
My thoughts exactly. I was thinking the same thing when I was reading this wonderful teaser. Most of the other novels I have been reading lately are very graphic and vulgar. Tends to turn what would have been a very beautiful love scene into porn.
Sylvain has always shown great respect for us readers with the way love scenes are described. And I give much thanks for this.
Marcia, beautifully stated.
Thank you, SR, for such a delightful, emotional and beautiful series.
Because of it, because of Julia’s diligence, I finally decided to get my MBA – and (be brave) and apply at Harvard for fall/2014!
I am very excited with what the future may bring!
Thank you again!
Actually, the reference to Paradise Lost doesn’t worry me. “To the Nuptial Bowre I led her blushing like the Morn: all Heav’n, And happie Constellations on that houre.”
Since he goes on to state that they should have been married in their special spot, I think he was describing her as a blushing bride being led to the alter or to the bridal bed. Not that he was worried that their paradise would come crumbling down someday.
Unlike everyone else, I do not wish December to hurry up and arrive. With it comes the hectic holiday season (no matter which religion you practice – it seems there is a holiday almost every week). I do believe this will be a wonderful holiday gift to those of us who have fallen in love with Gabriel and Julia.
Thank you for sharing this! It’s a beautiful start to the book and I cannot wait for December to get here!
Perfect beginning, thanks for this. Paradise Lost scared me too. Hopefully there will be a very happy ending. Come on December!!!
SR.. What can I say that hasn’t been said already?….
I just wanted to thank you for this lovely gift you’ve shared with us. Your writing is simply magnificent, and truly magical – it exposes such strong emotion but provokes much thought as well. An ideal combination worthy only of honorable literary classics.
‘Paradise Lost’ is an interesting seed planted here, and am not too concerned, but am *very* eager to see how it blooms, and what its meaning would be.. Hhhmmmm…
Like I said before, a very enjoyable December is surely secured 🙂
And one more thing… I’m glad the Snarky Narrator is back! I LOVE him! Please pass on my appreciation, will you? thanks! 🙂
Loved the sample of chapter one, december is too far. But i know the wait will be all worth the while. Thank you SR
Amazing!!! I can’t wait! Thank you SR! I love these characters… December is too far, but the wait will be worth. I believe it!!!
It has been a great chapter! Thank to SR and the translater for give it to us.
In Chile there is a loot por reader waiting for this.
I loved the teaser I can’t wait to get my copy of the book. reading this little bit makes the wait even harder.
SR..thank you for this chapter.. it is abolutely wonderful. I have read your two other books twice and have preordered this one. I have to say that in reading the second book..I had to stop because my emotions got to me… I wanted to jump into the book and punch Christa… it made me so angry..I hope that in this new book she gets what is coming to her.. I cried, laughed and got angry because of the way you write.. you made me even reserach some of what Grabriel say in Italian (I am not verced in the language)KEEP UP THE FANTASTIC WRITING!
It’s amazing! I can’t wait for all Gabriel’s Redemption book! 🙂
Is it already December? 😀
I always wondering what size Julia wear and how tall is she…
I bet she’s not taller than 5’7 because she has the height of the first classmate as was wrote in Inferno but I may be wrong so don’t kill me ;D
Stunning, just absolutely stunning. With just one chapter you have brought them both back to life, and have filled the void that was left after the end of the last book. I hope December comes fast this year.’z i cant wait until december to read this book. I loved the last two so i know im going to love this one. Ireally liked the excerpt although them not seeing eye to eye exactly about children got me thinking that might become a problem between them but if it does im not going to worry too much because the book is called Gabriel’s Redemption so i dont think any thing serious will tear them apart.
. This series is so different from all the others. I love the true emotional connection between G and J. Its refreshing to read a love story and not have it turn into a story about just sex and domination like so many books of the month. Not that I don’t enjoy reading those books but this is a very welcome change of pace for romance readers. Thank you SR, I anxiously await December.
j’ai lu le premier tome en français , le second en anglais ( la première fois que je lis un livre en anglais , mais je le parle trop peu pour rédiger ce commentaire dans cette langue ) , quelle belle aventure : l’histoire , l’écriture , tout m’a touchée et attendre le mois de décembre est une torture surtout après ces deux chapitres , qui en disent long sur les embuches qui les attendent !!!!
je vais rester dans le coin pour essayer de glaner quelques miettes de plus
s’il vous plait Sylvain ….. ayez pitié de nous pauvres lecteurs !!!!
Thank you for this release! It’s marvellous. In this books the characters really made love “like you’re wondering on a flowery meadow” way. It’s unique nowadays. “Then I’m glad I’m your first.” (wow, my favourite phrase)
I’m not worrying about lost paradise, because it’s a quote about nuptial and they just made love there… And beside in the book of Milton Adam and Eva can find Paradise inside.
And after all the book is about Redemption.
I’m So Excited I can not wait until December!
First two books are epic. This 3rd book will be so much more.
I can’t wait to read book 3! I also would love to see Paul’s story.
Wonderful! I can’t wait until December! Thank you,SR 🙂