Hola a todos y muchas gracias por leer.
The Blog Tour for #LaAlondra is complete and it was a tremendous success. I would like to thank Noches en Florencia podcast for organizing the tour and all the SRFans accounts for promoting it, especially the accounts from Spanish speaking countries. Thank you also Divinas Lectoras for your support. Special thanks to all the book bloggers and readers who participated.
As an example, here’s an interview I gave to Sara. Here’s an incredible video review by Yoko.
Here’s a link to a contest where you can win autographed bookplates.
Here is a reflection on #YoSoyRaven by Liliana. Here is a book review of #LaAlondra by Book Imperial book blog.
My interview with Miriam on the support of the Spanish speaking community and why I oppose piracy is posted here in both Spanish and in English.
There were so many events and activities, I can’t post links to them all. But visit Noches’ website, and you can scroll through their posts to find all the reviews and interviews. The blog tour culminated with a very interesting (and humorous) podcast on Saturday, April 29th. You may wish to read the transcript or listen to the podcast here.
Thank you everyone who participated and supported the blog tour. I’m overwhelmed by your support and very, very grateful.
Amazing what our community of readers, our friends our family can do! I truly enjoyed #BlogTourLaAlondra <3
Thank you so much for your support, Monica. It didn’t go unnoticed. Muito obrigada ❤️ #BlogTourLaAlondra
You are our daily inspiration to be better. Thank you for take the chance on us! #BlogTourLaAlondra ♡
It was a great experience. An intense week filled with joy and excitement, the posts and reviews were amazing, probing one more time how much this community loves you and your books. Thanks for sharing this week with us. I’m proud and happy for being part of this family 🙂
I look back in time and I can’t even believe that it happened the way it happened. So many blessings along the way. So many lessons and so many friendships were born during this project. Inspiration, creativity and determination blossomed everywhere … Never underestimate the voice of a community. Its power. When we work together, magic happens. It was magical.
Thanks SR for your incredible support to all your reading communities around the world. Thanks to all the SR Fans accounts who one way or another, helped to shape and organize this project. I feel blessed and grateful for each person who was involved. Strength in numbers, because we were all one: one voice and one community.
☺☺☺☺☺☺☺ fasinate como siempre
It went by so fast! It was an honor to be part of the amazing team of rookies who put this Blog Tour together. Their passion, sacrifice and determination helped us reach our goals day by day.
Thank you for your support SR!
Thank you bloggers because you gave life to all the content!
It was an amazing and unforgettable week!