Happy Holidays, Everyone.
A few years ago, I posted the following Belize outtake from Gabriel’s Rapture on a book blog. I’m reposting it as a way of saying thank you for your continued support, which is much appreciated.
The Belize Outtake
“Do you ever paint your toes?” Gabriel stroked Julia’s ankle, before sliding his thumb along her instep.
They were reclining in bed, she with her head on a pillow, he lying at her feet. The gentle rhythm of the rain hitting the roof of their hut filled the warm, humid air.
“Sometimes. But it’s so cold in my apartment, when I get out of the shower I just want to get dressed.”
Gabriel frowned, but continued his foot massage. “We have to move you out of that apartment.”
She sighed. “We talked about this.”
“You can paint your toes at my place.” He gave her searing look.
She wiggled toes. “Why wait? You can paint my toes here.”
“No.” He placed her foot gently on the bed.
“No? For a man with a shoe fetish, that’s very strident.”
“I don’t have a shoe fetish. I simply admire women’s shoes because they’re sexy and they enhance a woman’s attractiveness. I’m not into feet.”
“Oh, really, Professor?”
“Oh, really. So no toe painting, Miss Mitchell. Or toe sucking.” He winked and slid his hand up her calf.
“That’s disappointing,” she pouted. “What else can we do on a rainy afternoon?”
“I have a few ideas.”
In one swift movement he covered her and pressed their mouths together.
“You’re very intense,” Julia breathed.
He was over her, inside her, his sapphire eyes focused and unblinking.
“I’m with a beautiful woman, having fantastic sex.” He increased his pace and moved to her neck, nipping and sucking at the skin.
“I feel as if we’re the only ones in the world.”
“Good,” he mumbled, kissing across her shoulder.
“You make me feel beautiful.”
In response, he licked her breast until she began to groan.
“I love you.”
Gabriel lifted his head. His eyes glittered, then grew determined.
“Nothing can separate us,” he growled, quickening his pace.
“Nothing can separate us because I love you.”
Without warning, Julia felt the pleasure overtake her and she moaned incoherently. Gabriel continued thrusting until he too, was overcome.
“Nothing,” he whispered, as he lay on top of her, their bodies covered with a thin sheen of perspiration. “Nothing.”
I want to wish you all the best for the holiday season and a happy and prosperous 2017. Thank you for your continued support of my writing. A special to thank you to everyone who took the time to write a review of The Roman. I’m so glad you enjoyed The Florentine Series.
I’m signing copies of all my books (including The Shadow and The Roman) for Pages bookstore in California. You’ll be able to order a personalized, autographed copy in time for Valentine’s Day. Details here. – with an order deadline of January 30th.
As I mentioned on Twitter, I’m writing a new novel, which is a contemporary romance/suspense set in Paris. I should be able to reveal more details soon.
All the best and thanks for reading,
SR, amo a maneira como você escreve,me perco em suas histórias,tenho uma paixão louca pelo Professor Emerson. Que em 2017 sua vida seja abençoada por Deus e que você tenha muita inspiração para escrever,estarei esperando loucamente pelos próximos. Obrigada por me dar a oportunidade de viajar, sonhar e aprender mais com seus livros.
Love this little outtake, it’s always nice to have more of Gabriel and Julia.
Who/what determines what stays in your books and what hits the cutting room floor.
May I wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and continued success in 2017.
Merry Christmas and Happy new year to you and your family. Have yourself an amazing 2017. I’ll be looking for the next book to come out. Thank you S. R. for all of your books.
Happy Holidays SR to you and your family. Each day is a better day when you write. We are grateful for your words of wisdom, kindness and inspiring stories that help us to see the good in our fellow men and overall in humanity.
I know we are all waiting for another gem from you. Hoping 2017 will bring you continued success while lifting our spirits through your work and beyond. You are one great author…take a bow.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! Nothing makes me happier than waking up to more Gabriel and Julia. Just received my copy of The Roman last night, whilst reading the Gabriel series for the ? time. (too many times to count). This time, I am focusing more on your exquisite writing, taking note of the music that they listen to, as I look for possible paranormal elements that you have said are in the Gabriel series if I look closely. So I have a conflict….what to read? What a wonderful conundrum! Merry Christmas, SR… and to all the fans who share your love for all things SR and GOE!
Thank you so much Sylvain Reynard, I love Gabriel and Julia, and love to hear about them! I just finished The Roman yesterday it was so perfect! Merry Christmas!
Thank you for this! I enjoyed Gabriel and Juliette, but I so so so love William and Raven. Thanks for all those books. I can’t wait to read the new one!
Without words, as always. Because that silence after each SR reading … is worthy. It is a silence that explains much more than any term. Thanks for write! You, make to feel, like the blood… flow through my veins. Happy Holidays!
Obrigada SR, por essa maravilha. Você poderia fazer uma nova trilogia de Gabriel ?, nós fãs apaixonadas por ele ficaríamos imensamente felizes!!!! A muito a saber, como ele é Júlia estão na vida de casados e com um bebê, ver Gabriel pai, como ele está se livrando das mulheres que se jogam aos montes sobre ele e assim vai. Nós necessitamos de Gabriel kkkk. Bjs, sucesso.
I’m looking forward to any kind of stories you are willing to share with your readers. Merry Christmas and a happy and successful 2017
As always your Novels entrance me. I loved Gabriel’s Inferno Series and have just finished with The Prince and The Raven. All the history, art and culture entailed in these novels allows me to travel to a different place through your words. Being from Belize myself I found this specific part of the book an amazing honor. Thank you for your wonderful novels. Happy Holidays! 🙂
Love ❤️ finding these excerpts by way of Twitter SR loyals👏🏽 I can’t believe I only came across your books 📚 a year ago!! Thank you for this little outtake of Gab n Jules❤️ your books are life changing IMO🥰and I cannot forget to mention how much my wanderlust ✈️ I have for 🇮🇹 and all your mentions of beautiful places to travel to.🙌🏽
Thank you so much, Fleur.
Glad you’re enjoying them, SR.
You create such passionate scenes that are both beautiful and erotic, and truly express the intense love Gabriel and Julia share. You elevate romance to the most beautiful level and from the time I opened the first book, I have been enthralled with your writing! I never dreamed the books would come to life with such an outstanding screenplay and cast. You have brought tremendous joy to your readers. THANK YOU!
Thank you, Susan. I’m very grateful for your support.
All the best, SR.
I never get tired reading this outtake it’s like reading it for the very first time
Thank you KK,